Under our feet the ground becomes more level. The growth of plant life all around becomes less dense, more sky than leaf overhead and suddenly out we step onto the plateau. The evening light shoots through the light green new growth grass that pools around the village. The sound of the forest is joined by the rising and falling melody of human conversation, the soft whinny of the horses, the crackle of an open fire somewhere, the sound of children laughing. Underfoot the earth is tamped down by human feet over the years; the cracks in the dry ground housing a city of ants.
This is a home where the boundary between human settlement and non-human neighbours is loosely drawn. Where the pursuit of comfort and convenience is not yet the singular concern that life is shaped around.
A place where the illusion of separation begins to soften. Where humans are just one animal amongst the many in relationship with the land they live in.
Following the intimate dance of water’s journey through plant, creature, stone and people.
Living in interconnection with the non-human world
DREAMSEEDS: Numinous Luminescence
Navigating the relational web of life
The melody of water’s passage through the forest
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