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 Welcome to the Liminal Compass!

Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery, transformation and re-imagination. Read on for how to navigate the art, music, meditation, talks and workshop offerings and make the most of your Liminal Compass journey.


Take the chance to slow down. The Liminal Compass has been designed to provide a sense of sanctuary and exploration. Each topic we cover along the journey is an invitation to step out of the busy whirl of life and into the rich landscape of the rainforest and the stillness of the cave. Find a quiet space and time to read, look and listen. Treat this time as a gift to yourself.


You can access all of the art, music, poetry, meditations, writing and talks issued so far on our journey from the members-only Liminal Compass Journey page. To access this sign in to the Members Sign In on our main menu. If you are already signed in just click on Your Account on the main menu and 'Explore the Liminal Compass' on the membership pop up.


The Liminal Compass has been designed as a curated journey through Forest, Threshold, Cave and Emergence. We invite you to follow this path as you make your way through the topics, traveling at your own pace. This work is offered as dreamseeds for your own exploration of the connection between yourself and the natural world around you and within you. Weave this journey into your well-being practices and take the time to explore, absorb and reflect. Return to the writing, music, art, sound, recordings and meditations that resonate with you as often as you like.

We invite you to start your journey with Jon Hopkin’s beautiful long-form composition Tayos Caves, Ecuador, inspired by his experience of the Tayos Caves: a touchstone for your Liminal Compass journey.


Join us in learning from some of the most inspiring voices in philosophy, art, science and wellbeing. In conversation with us, our Pathfinder Guides bring their perspectives and wisdom to the philosophies and practices covered by the Liminal Compass. You can find recordings of all the Pathfinder conversations held so far in our Pathfinder Library which you can access from the Liminal Compass Journey page or from our main menu. Visit the Tayos homepage for information on all the Guides we will be welcoming.

We are looking forward to sharing this journey with you! If you have any questions just reach out to guardians@tayos.org