The time has come when our lights begin to dim. The tenure of our human occupation of the cave is drawing to a close.

As if to remind us that this is no permanent home, water rushes into the underworld: a downpour above and a flood below. Places that were soft hollows to bed down on become river beds. Chambers that were dry, dusty spaces to wander become pools to wade through, the water encircling our waists and filling our boots. And the sound of the cave; its score of drips and bird call, is transformed into a white noise roar of movement and power.

It is time for us to leave; to emerge from the mouth of Tayos back into the world above. Transformed but into what, over how long a time we cannot tell. Perhaps our changing will be as slow and incremental as the drip, drip formation of the cave itself? Perhaps it will be a deluge?

As we look back up to the head of the chasm and the light of the forest all we know is that we are willing to be changed. Willing to have let this place transform us.



In this 30 minute conversation Liminal Compass creators Tamsin Cunningham and Eileen Hall talk about the pace and expectation of the act of transformation. We are living through a time when the task of transforming our relationship with nature holds great urgency. How can we embark on the radical shifts we need to make to re-balance our connection with the natural world without being overwhelmed or paralysed by panic? What can we learn from the incremental and yet vast transformation of the cave to build a sense of transformation that comes from the heart?



Downpour and deluge in a cave transformed

Photography and reflection


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